Friday, April 14, 2006

PhD Comics and Rain

This comic is from . It is a funny comic that, unfortunately at times, rings very true to reality.

We've stopped having weekly lab meetings in our lab which is sad. I think they're very useful. Although I have to say, my PI (principal investigator) is not the type to fall asleep in our lab meetings. He's usually very attentive when someone from the lab is presenting. I've been working weekends for the past few months and I still don't know what I'd present if I had to lead a meeting soon. I always feel like I haven't accomplished much in my year at the lab. Certainly not enough to give a whole presentation about.

It's raining again in Los Angeles. This can either be very good for traffic or VERY bad. Usually its very bad. People either drive very slow or aggressive drivers drive very fast because they're annoyed that everyone is driving slow because of the rain and get into an accident with one of the slow drivers. But everyone is also very eager to go home early, so by 6:30 pm, the freeway is completely open. At that time today the 405N (which is never open, not on weekends, not at nights, not ever) was completely open. I actually traveled 2 miles in less than the fifteen minutes it usually takes me. That was very nice. In the other direction, however, traffic was at a standstill. An aggressive driver had probably gotten into an accident with a slow driver further south.


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