Saturday, April 05, 2008

ACL Reconstruction

So I recently tore my ACL (and MCL) skiing and I elected to have ACL reconstruction surgery because my knee was still wobbly after a couple of months of physical therapy and I wanted to be able to return to a normal level of activities: biking, running, skiing, etc. The surgery was last Friday, March 28, Day 0. So much has happened, I wanted to write about it.

DAY 0 (March 28, 2008)
The day of the surgery. An hour before the surgery, I started freaking out. The depth of what is about to happen hit me. I was so focused on post-op recovery before this, that I never really thought about the surgery itself. And the thought of it is barbaric. Basically: they slice some of my patellar tendon, drill holes into my bones and sew and nail in the tendon. The anesthesiologists come by before surgery and explain how they'll be putting me under general anesthesia AND using nerve blocks to kill sensation in my leg. They explain to me that when they are inserting the block, my leg will start twitching and hitting the table (this is normal). Well, what they didn't tell me is my ass would start twitching. Violently. But after they insert the first block and turn me over to the do the second one, I was already passed out. My humiliation was short-lived.

My next memory is of waking up in the post-op recovery room being hounded by a nurse telling me that my doctor thinks I'm well enough to be discharged that day. I tell her my pain level and she shoves what I can only assume is an elephant tranquilizer in my mouth because I instantly pass out. Before I know it, I am being awaken by three nurses surrounding me, asking if I'm ready to be discharged. I can barely lift my eyelid and have no idea where my husband is. Turns out, they never notified him. So since I don't give them the all clear to discharge me, they finally decide to get him. He sees me and decides pretty quickly I'm in no shape to go home yet. But now they hound him instead. At some point, they decide I can't be there any more. S gets me up. I can't take the hospital gown off (can't lift my arms) so they tell me to keep the gown. S and a friend pull my clothes on over the gown. They ask for a wheelchair. The wheelchair the nurses bring don't have a leg extender (?). Keep in mind, I just had knee surgery. I can't move my leg. At all. When this is mentioned to them, they reply with "Well that's what we have". S and friend are in awe at this point. I am so angry, I am suddenly wide awake. The nurses start fighting and arguing amongst themselves about who will have to go fetch a wheelchair. S interrupts and tells them, he will get it if they let him know where. This prompts them to move and get it. Ok. Proper wheelchair got. Sumit asks where the crutches are (note: we weren't just assuming that we would be given crutches, the surgeon had assured us that the hospital provided them after surgery). They just look at us. And tell us they weren't told that I would need crutches and they won't give them to us. After knee surgery. At this point, we realize we need to leave at any cost. I have a set of crutches at home that I can use (from the original injury). As I'm being wheeled out, I realize my ivy needle is still in my arm (4 hours post-surgery) but I don't have the energy to voice this to anyone (I'm back to mostly catatonic at this point) so I grunt and raise my arm as high as I can. They are all shocked and quickly remove the needle as they're wheeling me out.

I get home and into my apartment as quickly as I can. I remember S and friend telling me to slow down on the crutches and take a break, but if I am still even a little bit, I almost throw up. So I get to the couch as quickly as I can and pass out.


Blogger Misterschoggi said...

Hi, I had my ACL replaced on 3-24-08 as well as a both menisii from skiing as well. So Monday I a 4 weeks post op. Do you use your hamstring as a graft? Also, are you experiencing numbness in the top part of your foot and quite a bit of nerve sensation in that area too. Also, some big toe strength issues same leg? Just curious about others having same issues. Otherwise I am doing well 115/0 degrees on the flex and extension, only wearing brace outside and no crutches. Biggest problem is sleepng with all the sensations I get down in my foot area when I lie down. Good Luck!!!

9:59 AM

Blogger Misterschoggi said...

Reread post and meant both meniscii were repaired, torn.

10:00 AM

Blogger Meghna said...

Hi Mark,
I really need to post more on this as I am now 3 weeks post-op. I had no idea anyone was reading. I've had quite a number of complications. My graft was a patellar graft. I'm not experiencing any numbness in the top of my foot or having problems with my big toe. I have some joint problems in the ankle though (started as a result of running) and I had a DVT in my calf, so I experience calf and some ankle pain as a result of that. My extension is great. My leg is fully extended, but my flexion is really poor at 40. I've now got problems with my leg sleeping too. It is usually in a good amount of pain at night, but again usually the calf and knee, not the foot. Hope it helps!

11:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, this all sounds rather scary! I'm facing ACL surgery as a last option if physio doesn't work - I tore my ACL playing rugby 6 months ago and am still having trouble...

7:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had ACL reconstruction surgery using the hamstring tendon graft three weeks ago. Extension is no problem and flexion is about 95-100 degrees. Problems with sleeping d/t hypersensitivity of upper portion of shin and medial calf. Experiencing numbness on middle part of shin and inner ankle but no strength issues. Also developed bruising on medial malleolus area. Good luck to all likewise!

8:27 PM

Blogger Misterschoggi said...

Hi, I have peroneal nerve damage confirmed by a neurologist, due to the surgery. Surgeon said he has done 1000 acl ops and 1st time. They say 12 months or so to heal, very painful, mostly top of the foot. Very difficult sleeping and wearing shoes. Check and make sure this is not the nerve you are talking about, it can also cause foot problems with muscle strength and drop foot, good luck!

10:08 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, i had my ACL Reconstruction on the 24th Jan 2008 and its now been 6-7 months after surgury. I have problems with my knee still including putting my leg straight as i cant extend it fully and i get quite alot of pain when i try, i also have a numb feeling down the right side of the leg. Can anyone who has experenced these problems post a message i would like to know how long this last for and if i can ever straighten my leg flly again.
Thanks David.

4:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard Said,
Alright so I had surgery the 20th of June and I am going on my 6th week. The past 3 to 4 weeks I have been feeling the most uncomftable pain in the top part of my foot. The Surgeon said it could be that my brace was to tight but I am pretty sure that is not the case. I am doing some research on it and see other people had similar problems and would like to know the conclusion they came to. My email is so please respond asap.

7:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just had my ACL reconstructed on 8/8 so Im only 12 days out but my flexion/extension is progressing very well (115/0). I was just taken off of crutches today and instructed to start on the stationary bike at no resistence. I made it through the 20 minutes (paintful for first 5 mins but got much better). Afterwards, the outside, bottom part of my foot on the operated leg had shooting pains. Ive read that tight calves may be causing some problems, but Im worried about stress fractures and now possible nerve issues. Anybody else have bottom of the foot pain in your operated leg?

8:56 PM

Blogger Misterschoggi said...

Hi, If you are talking about nerve pain in your foot, is it on the top of your foot? If so you may be in the camp of people like myself who have had their peroneal nerve compromised. It is a bad thing in that it takes a long time to heal, 1 inch a month for nerves. Also the drugs to control the pain have side affects. Good luck.

10:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had ACL reconstruction about 10 years ago and still have trouble with pain and swelling at the ouside of my knee as well as down my affected leg. I also have nerve problems down my leg and in the ball of my foot. Sometimes too I can feel the pins (which are actually screws)through my skin if I hit or bump my knee in the wrong spot and it just about levitates me. I couldn't walk when I completely ruptured my ACL. I am very glad I can now walk but the effects of the surgery still plague me and I would hope that there will be a better way to "fix" this problem in future because I can't believe that I and so many others are suffering from the effects of the surgery in this day and age!!! FYI it was my patella tendon that was used in my case. I wish you all Good Luck and the same for myself going into year 11!!!

9:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David.
You talk about problems when you try to extend your knee. Your describtion is very similar to my own ACL injuries.
I have recieved ACL reconstruction in both my knees, right knee with patella tendon (2005) - left knee with hamstring tendon (feb 2008).
In both cases with extention problems until 7-9 months post op. But 12 months post op the knee will be 99 % IF and only if you stick to your training.
In this very moment I'm 6 months post op and just arrived from 10 km of running. I furthermore played soccer on fair level last week, but DO not do this! IT is to early. I wish you the best of luck. Ulrich

1:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I am a Mom of a 14 yr old girl who had ACL surgery 8-08. They did a nerve block during surgery.
She has been in so much pain to this day (4 months out) that she can't sleep at night or go to school. When she started at school, sitting was excruciatingly painful. They have thrown pain meds, inflammatories, she has done PT 3x week since the beginning--nothing works. We saw a pain specialist who put her on triccyclics to stop the pain and creams with a compound pharmacist. Now I'm wondering if they hit a nerve during surgery is the problem. I saw someone write that the neurologist confirmed that a nerve was damaged---what tests do they do to confirm that?
Does anyone have a similar story--treatment ideas? Hope for us that she will get better?

8:04 AM

Blogger Misterschoggi said...

Sounds like the peroneal nerve was damaged. Does she have foot drop too and less strength in that foot? I have this nerve damage due to ACL surgery as well, had surgery 3/08. The drugs you speak about do work for me, I do not like the side effects though, but I stay on them, better than the pain. I was told should heal in 18 months to 2 years, 1mm a day!!!!Good luck, a neurologist is the person who can perform the necessary tests...

9:49 AM

Blogger sheinvents said...

I had met with severe injury on ACL 6 months ago, and i was slowly recovering. A week ago i again met with same sort of injury on same leg, due to unsteadiness. My doc has advised for ice packs, anti inflammatory tablets, and few exercises.But my ACL is not taut to give me grip on walking. But its not torn. Is it possible to do PT and maintain the strength or is ACL reconstruction is advisable?
Coz, seeing the effects of post ACL I feel i can undergo only if its really required!

1:14 AM

Blogger Brian said...

Mark, I had my left acl replaced on 3-30-09. Its been 3 weeks and I have a dead patch on the left side of my knee next to my knee cap. The worst part is that the top of my left foot is numb. It sounds like the same problem you had. I don't even know if you will read this since its been a year for you. I was hoping your foot has healed and that you could give some some insight on your recovery. Thanks.

11:40 PM

Blogger Brian said...

Mark, I had my left acl replaced on 3-30-09. Its been 3 weeks and I have a dead patch on the left side of my knee next to my knee cap. The worst part is that the top of my left foot is numb. It sounds like the same problem you had. I don't even know if you will read this since its been a year for you. I was hoping your foot has healed and that you could give some some insight on your recovery. Thanks.

11:41 PM

Blogger Misterschoggi said...

Hi, Sounds like the peroneal nerve, I did not have left of knee numb, but initially numbness on top of foot then changed to pain on top of foot, nerve damage pain. Go see a neurologist for nerve test (EMG)to see if impaired nerve or severed nerve. If impaired could heal on own, but very slowly 1 mm a day, it has been 1 year for me and still have it. There are drugs to control the pain, Dr. can help with that. Good luck, it can be quite challenging, I would see the neurologist sooner rather than later. What does your Dr. say?

7:08 AM

Blogger Brian said...

My doctor said it is my peroneal nerve that is the problem. I asked if he didn't cut the nerve in surgery, how could it be a problem now? He said it must have been when the brace was put on my leg afterwards. So basically the help at the hospital is to blame. Serves me right for having my surgery in Amarillo where I work instead of flying home to Dallas. He said since nothing was cut it should heal on its own, but like you said, 1mm per day. I'm giving it some more time and if nothing changes then I will see a neurologist.

2:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had surgery a week ago and I also have a numb feeling on the outside of the upper chin. Also very painful after a bit of walking. Very sensitive and I find it difficult to sleep with blankets over it. I sure hope this will get better. Amanda

5:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle Says:
I had my acl replaced 4 days ago and the skin around the surgical scars is swollen and stiff and has lost some sensation also my foot is about twice the size it normally is and my sister thinks I am over reacting. Any thoughts?

3:09 PM

Blogger terri said...

I tore my ALC skiing and had replacement 2/4/10. When i started therapy week later it was clear the therapist were only interested in getting me up walking normally because of my age (42) so therapy only lasted 7weeks. My top of my knee still hurt when going up or down steps. Shoes are all very painful, feet swell and going numb on top of foot! I am 42 but very active so this has been a very hard thing to go through! I have good days and bad days but its seems more bad than good! Walking for long periods of time is very painful. I consider myself a tough cookie but was begining to think I was a big baby until I found this sight and am not alone. My knee also locks up at times as well which is very very painful!!

8:10 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi All,

I had my ACL replaced 3 months ago due to a sports injury sustained almost 2 years ago (damn Canadian medical system, but it was free). I have had a very fast recovery according to the surgeon which I attribute to the fact that I did nothing on my knee for a week. I mean nothing, I only got out of bed 4 times in 7 days. My only setback was a hamstring tear at the 3 week mark when I started to push the repair, laid me up for another week. I'm now back at the gym, squatting, deadlifts. I'm doing an hour a day of spinning plus short runs every other day. The plan is to be able to go back to basketball and MMA this fall. The only drawback to the surgery has been the loss of sensation on the outside shin. If I push on the incision scar on my inside shin I get a weird electric shock on the dead spot. Does anyone know if this will be permanent or if I can do anything to regain sensation in the shin?



12:01 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey michael.

I had my surgery in march 2008. Suffered a pretty bad hamstring tear but my knee was ok. Much better than before. I used to press on my scar and a weird pain shooting down my leg and ending in my ankle. Yeah try explaining that... After a few months these stopped for me but I have numbness on the left side of my shin and a tiny bit on the right. The right side numbness has only been a recent development. The area of numbness was getting smaller and smaller until one day it started to grow again. No idea why this has happen and I need to go get it checked out. I was also told any numbness would go away after 12 months but sign this piece of paper please incase it doesn't... Anyway it's been a year and a half and i still have it. Lol also tweaked my knee again when I tried to play football again. Ah well at least I can walk and run. Better than I was.


4:19 PM

Blogger Sean Sng said...

Hi , just wanna know , will we be in a sleeping situation or a non-sleeping situation whn undergo the surgery ??

6:51 AM

Blogger Trey said...

Omg,reading some of ur stories is insane.. I had my ACL and MCL completely torn in half and had gidaver(spelling) graft...mine happened while I was working as a "bouncer" in a very active night club...anyways,I told my doctor to put me completely out that I didn't want to hear, feel or see one single thing..NEVER HAD SURGERY IN MY LIFE 46 yrs old at the time of wreck of nerves...LOL...injury happened on June 10th, 12th, is May 14,2012..and I am still having severe bone pain along with pain where the cut was made on my knee to put in 2 inch knee joint it self feels pretty stiff most of the time... I have a hard time lifting my leg when laying down and when I walk around even with my permenant knee brace I still get sharp stabbing pains where the insession was made....I still do my exercises BUT I am now facing another surgery to remove the screw to eleveate the bone pain...soooo...the way I see it as long as I can still walk I thank God for blessing me.....

11:45 PM

Blogger Trey said...

Omg,reading some of ur stories is insane.. I had my ACL and MCL completely torn in half and had gidaver(spelling) graft...mine happened while I was working as a "bouncer" in a very active night club...anyways,I told my doctor to put me completely out that I didn't want to hear, feel or see one single thing..NEVER HAD SURGERY IN MY LIFE 46 yrs old at the time of wreck of nerves...LOL...injury happened on June 10th, 12th, is May 14,2012..and I am still having severe bone pain along with pain where the cut was made on my knee to put in 2 inch knee joint it self feels pretty stiff most of the time... I have a hard time lifting my leg when laying down and when I walk around even with my permenant knee brace I still get sharp stabbing pains where the insession was made....I still do my exercises BUT I am now facing another surgery to remove the screw to eleveate the bone pain...soooo...the way I see it as long as I can still walk I thank God for blessing me.....

11:48 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Well I am scared after reading all these comment. I blew out my ACL tore my MCL and torn medial cartilage. Surgery 10 dys ago - 4 titanium buttons and 6 cuts to the knee. @nd day was hell until I removed the wrap. I had a burning sensation in my foot top and btm that has sense gone away.I have pain on my outside of lower leg. I wake up 4-5 with pain on the top of foot. I want to ducktape my foot so it doesnt fall - that is where the most pain is. I cannot put any weight on my leg for 6 weeks to heal cartilage.....I can bend only at 90 degrees and I am already there. I cannot straighten met leg yet -1 I think and my leg-upper thigh is huge and ugly!! I want my knobby knee back!! Not looking forward to PT as I am reading and will spend the next 4 weeks massaging and exercising to get ahead. I take no meds regularly.. but now on flexeral celbrex and oxy for pain spasms and inflamation....FML likely to never go skiing again. but look forward to bagging some more CO 14er's. should have stuck to that!!!

9:25 PM


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