ACL Day 2 (March 30, 2008)
I'm anxious about the amount of Vicodin I'm taking, and decide I want to start weaning myself off of it. I take a reduced dose at 2 am. At 6 am, I get up to throw up. This happens again for the next few hours. If I even lift my head, I immediately vomit. I haven't eaten anything for hours. I don't drink anything since that induces vomit as well. I start throwing up bright yellow bile. This continues until about 1 pm. At this point, I seriously think I am done for. I don't think I have ever felt this sick in my life. I am praying every conscious moment I have. S calls the hospital. And tries to page the surgeon. The doctor on call takes two hours to get back to us. He tells us to stop taking the Vicodin and to try to slowly get some liquid into me. And if I'm still unable to hold down liquid after a few hours, get to the hospital. He also says to switch to Tylenol for pain relief. I know my family and some friends want to visit. S tells them it is not a good day. One comes to help, but there is not much to be done for me. They help S though. He is able to shower and they get lunch for him. I am exhausted. I have no food or liquid in my body. I drink a sip of Gatorade every hour or so. I nibble on an edge of a cracker after a couple of hours with the Gatorade. My stomach is very sore from throwing up. I mostly sleep. At the end of the day, I'm able to have a cup of soup. But I'm effectively off of Vicodin. And I have a very disgusting taste in my mouth for the stuff.
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