Friday, December 29, 2006

Rose Bowl

New Year's Day. 2:00 pm. That cursed stadium. We'll be there. Geared up. Screaming loudly. Ready to finish the season. Ready to take on the Wolverines.

And oh yah! The Farmer's Market (I won't link to you now)! What's up with the huge banner saying "The Farmer's Market welcomes the Wolverines"? In Wolverine colors. Sure they're in town. Sure it's hospitable. But no mention of the Rose Bowl in general. Or USC at all. It was more sellout than anything else. To get that extra bit of business during the holidays. Forget the fact that for the rest of the year your establishment is supported by a countless number of Trojans. I don't mind being kind to UM at all. Or welcoming them, making them feel comfortable, wishing them a good game, etc. But really. It was not cool. It seemed all about the money. Or something UCLA fans would do to spite SC. Very 'slap in the face' type of banner. No banner at all would've been much better.


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