I dropped my phone...
...down the elevator shaft. No joke. Seriously. I was getting into the elevator, and there were a few things in my hand which spilled, including my phone. In the amount of time it took for the doors to close (I was the last one getting in), my phone slid on the floor, found the crevice between the elevator door rails and the lobby, and promptly fell down to the inaccessible, underground, garage level shaft. Now let's contemplate bad luck here. My advisor always says there are three very important things you need to succeed in science (they can probably be extrapolated to life as well): good brain, good hands, and good luck. I didn't have much stock in this when I first joined the lab. Definitely not the good luck part. But in the past few months, I've been seeing the error of my naivety and have really begin to doubt certainly my luck, and even my hands. Things have happened, on several occasions, where many have said, "That's just bad luck. You couldn't have done anything about that". I always disagree to some extent, and think to myself "No there is someway I could've somehow predicted and therefore prevented that", finding consolation in the fact that I hold some of the control. But in the single action of my losing my phone last night, when contemplating the sheer probability of something like this happening, I think I'm finally convinced, that yes: I do indeed have bad luck and on top of it, bad hands. I think I need to rethink my choice of career...