Friday, February 15, 2008

"Smokey, you know I ain't the smartest man in the world, but, from back here it look like you're takin a shit"...Ezal

I came into work today, tired and unmotivated as usual. Nothing distinctive from any other day, until I was met with the news that someone took a dump in one of our stairwells. There was a huge commotion with cleaning crew and administrators and photographers (because you know, you need to document when something like this happens, preserve that shit in history). There are now two prevailing theories going around (well really only one, but I'm promoting the second, so two) about how this could have happened. Our building is pretty tightly secure on the evenings and weekends. You can't get in without an ID card. The bathrooms are code locked, and the elevator and all floors are on card access. However, the door does stay open for a few seconds when someone comes into the building, so theoretically one could sneak in. But once they are in, they can't really go anywhere but out. Here's the major theory: it's possible, that someone got in late night without notice and needed to use the bathroom. They're in. They go to the bathroom on the first floor and realize that it's locked. So they try to take the elevator up a floor but the elevator won't go up. So they see stairs and go for that. But to their frustration, the doors for entry into any other floor are locked too. So now they're pissed at this building and they (probably desperately) need to take a dump. What do they do, you ask? Well, apparently, the best solution, one that deals with both their anger and their biological need (two birds, one poop) is pop a squat in the corner and do a number two. Makes sense, you say. Well, to me this seems unlikely, because even though theoretically someone can get in, the person exiting or entering the building legitimately, the one that works here, would notice someone hanging around and going for the door. And we've been reminded numerously about keeping this a secure building, so that person SHOULD be suspicious. No I think this was an inside job. I think this was a fetish being played out. Someone really enjoys pooping in public and they thought this was the perfect outlet for their disgusting desires. A way to express themselves. I think they got a real thrill at the thought of almost being caught. I even think they returned to the scene of the crime. When everyone was standing around in repulsed fascination. I bet they even made a few comments about being outraged at the act. All the while deviously grinning on the inside. Riding high on adrenaline because they had duped every one. Those sick bastards! I feel dirtier for working in the same building as them. Like it was my trust and innocence that was defecated on too.

Friday, February 08, 2008


I love Lost. It really gets in my head. It's like a very well written book (where the author almost lost it in the middle there) and I love watching a well directed book. Its better though. Because there are all these puzzles. And clues. And if you're really observant you can figure a bunch of stuff out. There are many sites laden with Lost "Easter Eggs" which magnify and help explain hidden clues, but here are a few things they haven't yet written about. Two theories I'm throwing out there.

1) In the Season 3 finale, when we see Jack in the future with a beard, he attends a funeral. We don't know whose funeral he is attending, but it is potentially another survivor who has returned. After watching the season 4 opener, I think the funeral was Hurley's. The opener was a flash forward to Hurley, but it was behind in the time-line to the season 3 finale's flash forward (follow?). In the 4 opener, we see Hurley is disturbed and alone. We also see that the alleged attorney for Oceanic Flights, who sent this new crew onto the island, is onto him.

ed. I found out what the obituary for this funeral said, and the theory no longer fits.

2) The said alleged attorney and crew are revealed in the most recent episode to be after Ben. Ben originally came with his father as part of the Dharma initiative. But he eventually helped kill the entire Dharma crew in favor of the island's "original inhabitants". Not much speculation has been given to these people. We do know that the man who meets Ben in the woods on the island when Ben is a boy, Richard, has not aged while Ben has. I think Ben is being sought for killing the Dharma Initiative and that the "attorney" has something to do with Dharma and the experiments that were going on on the island by them.

You can Google Lost Easter Eggs for a ton more.

And I love a lot more about the show too. Like the characters. How deeply they are thought out, with their greatness and flaws. And the many different recurring themes in the show including faith vs. science, and the importance (or un-) of time. But those can each take several posts themselves.